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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Beach Lot - Near Sunset Beach Villa, Looc, Tablas, Romblon


View of MLS from the high hill to the north of the property

The name of the development reflects the moon softness of the beauty and lovely vegetation of this gorgeous land.  The lion speaks to the power of nature, visible from anywhere on the property.  The springs bring recognition to the amazing natural fresh water springs which actually bubble from the earth along most of the beach front.

The goal of the Moon Lion Springs (MLS) complex is to provide a combination of the best features of living in the Philippines.  Your lot is on the best island in the country, has ocean frontage,  elevated views,  protection from the sea, easy access to the beaches, electricity, water, title or legal lease, and legal access.  All taxes and fees are included in the price.

When I add up all the great qualities of Tablas Island, I cannot find another place that is its equal.  The island is safe, beautiful, and quiet.  It has a stable government which is making great strides at improving roads, bridges, and other infrastructure.  There are new hospitals and Romblon State University.  There is daily ferry service to Batangas and air service to Manila, all but one day a week.  World famous Boracay Island is a short boat trip away.  Importantly, there is easy access to all the goods of Manila.  As much as I have tried to go native, every now and then it is fun to have a great piece of western beef and a fine wine.  Both are available from delis on the island.  Tablas has been subject to much national and international recognition in recent months.  Words are words and pictures say a lot.  I put my money where my mouth is.  I am so confident of the future of Tablas; I am investing all my money here.  I think that says enough.

Each lot has ocean front sites and an elevated building site. 

Why is it important to have both? 

1)  No one can ever block your view of the ocean and of the 365 a year sunsets. 
2) You will receive cooling breezes. 
3) You are protected from ocean storms.
4) You and your appliances and electronic equipment are much less susceptible to the corrosive ocean salt sprays. 

MSL offers the best of both worlds.  View property with very easy access to your own ocean frontage.  Or if you choose to forgo the benefits of the elevated sites, build nearer to the sea. Another unique feature is, the title boundaries of your land extend well into the ocean.  You actually own part of the sea bed.  This may sound a bit silly but there is value in this.  You are not subject to the setback requirements and permitting process if you choose to build any structures near the beach.  This saves a bunch of time and money.  The sea bed portions are not calculated into the lot sizes.

This kind of sunset is available from any lot you choose

However, it is useless if the paper work is not right.  MSL has legal access even though it is off the main highway where it is quiet.  This access is unusual in the Philippines.  The mother titles for the nine lots are very clean and totally traceable, another unusual value.  We pay for all the taxes and legal work to SECURE YOUR POSITION on the land.  We invite you to come and build your dream.  Everything else is ready for you.  We provide electricity to your lot.  You may or may not require a transformer depending on your demand.  The transformer, if needed, is not included.  There will be a water line to your lot.  Electricity for pumping water and costs of maintaining the water system will be shared on a percentage use basis.  If I use half the water, I pay half the bill.
There is a wonderful white sand beach on the south end of the 2.7 hector MLS complex.  All nine lot owners will share the use of this beach.  We will provide a foot bridge over the creek to the beach, a covered shelter, hammocks, and a barbeque pit.  There is a paved road, wide enough for a 4 wheel all-terrain vehicle or, of course, foot traffic down to where the bridge will start.  This is a pleasant walk.  Once on the sand beach, it is possible to walk the 1.5 kilometers to the Sunset Beach Development.
looking down
Looking down at the sand beach from the top of the ATV trail
 Looking up
Looking up the ATV trail

A service road has been built along the eastern side of the project.  The northern third of the road will be angled a bit more easterly which created more space for lots A to D.
northern third
The northern third of the service road.  It will angle to the right from the point of the picture.

Finally, there is a concrete foot trail with a hand rail down to the black rock beach which is below most of the lots.  This area is beautiful and exciting.  The snorkeling there is great.  We have developed a sea wall with foot path from the base of the trail where it hits the sea on lot E, to two natural spring fed dipping pools on lot C.   The pools are to be shared by all the lot owners.  They are very cooling with deep earth energy and very relaxing.
The path between D and E which leads to the black rock beach
The trail to the black rock beach

View from the trail
Bottom of the trail
Looking south
 looking south
Looking north toward the pools
 audralili pool
Audralilli pool
 moon lion
Moon Lion Springs Pool

 Now for the lots.  Please refer to the crude plot plan to see the locations of the facilities and of the lots.

Lot A is large and occupies the highest point on the property. It is 3,695 square meters and has 48.5 lineal meters of beach.  It has views to the west and to the south.  A two story house would really open up the southern view all the way to the village of Ferrol.  The price is 3,570,000 pesos.
southern view
A - Southern view
 northern view
A-Northern view
 ANE corner
A-NE corner looking W. Gravel will be removed.
 ANE corner SW
A-NE corner looking SW.
 ANW corner SE
A - NW corner looking SE
 A SW corner looking NE
 A - SW corner looking NE

 Lot B is 2,961 square meters and has 41.21 lineal meters of beach.  It has northern and southern coast views and a filtered southern view. The price is 3,318,000 Pesos.
B southcoast
B - South coast view
 B Northcoast
B - North coast view
 B-NE looking SW
B-NE looking SW
 B SE looking SW
B-SE corner looking NW
 B NW to SE
B – NW to SE
 B SW to NE
B – SW to NE

Lot C is 2,342 square meters and has 51.84 lineal meters of ocean front.  It has a nice protected feeling on top and a flat spot between the two pools on the beach.  The price is 3,024,000 Pesos.
C Southview
C - South view
 C NE to SW
C - NE to SW
 C SE to NW
C - SE to NW
 C SW to NE
C   SW to NE

 Lot D is a budget lot. It has 2,256 square meters with still plenty of room for a house and a couple guest cabins.  It has 12.96 meters of beach front and shares the same protected feeling as c and is right on the trail to the rock beach.  D is priced at 2,604,000 Pesos.
D Northview
D - North view
 D Southview
D - South view
 D NE to SW
D - NE to SW
 D NW to SE
D -NW to SE
D - NW to SE
 D SW to NE
D - SW to NE

 Lot E is sold to a neat Swiss man and his lovely Filipina partner. E has a great north view and gets a water view through the trees to the southwest.  It is 3,112 square meters with 59.33 meters of frontage.

Lot F is 2,407 Square meters with 10 meters of ocean front.  It has a sweet view site to the north, sees the south west water, and has a cabin site near the sea.  Do not be fooled by its strange shape.  Its design takes advantage of the natural terrain. The price is the same as A at 3,570,000 pesos.
F Northcoast
F -North coast and Simira island
 F Southwest
F - Southwest view (Temporary structure in back ground)
 F NE to SW
F - NE to SW
 F NE to SE
F -NW to SE
 F SE to NEW
F – SE to NW
 F SW to NE
F – SW  to NE

 We are totally overwhelmed with the beauty of this lot (Lot G). The view is panoramic. The price is 11,550,000.  It has 9,324 square meters.  The building site is right on the point and like all the other lots, it has, at least one cabin site on the rock beach below.
 North West


Lots H and I are best sold together as one lot.  It would be a good investment to buy both and sell one in the future when prices surely rise.  Together they are 3,177 square meters. They include the white sand beach and the ATV trail which is open for all of us to use.  On the plus side you will know these parts will be subject to no further development.  The southern view is right in your face and like lot G, is exposed to the southwestern wind.  These lots are very dramatic. The lots have the shortest walk to the sand beach.  Sold together the price is 5,250,000 pesos.  If sold separately, lot I, would be available for 3,150,000 pesos.  Only after lot I is sold, would lot H be available at 3,150,000 pesos.
South. The picture does not come close to the real thing.
 NE to SW
NE to SW
 SE to NW
SE to NW
 NW to SE
NW to SE

Thank you for considering a lot at Moon Lion Springs.
You may contact us for questions at 
or phone to +63 918 962 4193 or +63 919 418 9679

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